What's Lurking in the Shadows

Page 11Munti just now noticed that everything is black and gray.
Out of curiosity, Munti picks a rose by the stem from the rose bush.
Suddenly, he heard something crack.

What's Lurking in the Shadows

Page 12Then a giant creature growled at Munti. Its eyes never left Munti out of its sight. Its big teeth and claws are preparing to attack, and the green bushes surrounding its face, resembling a lion's mane, and it scared Munti.

What's Lurking in the Shadows

Page 13Munti runs back to the path he took.
He ran and ran until he saw a community of tiny people.
He asks for help, and they lead him to a tiny person with a white beard.

What's Lurking in the Shadows

Page 14Munti showed his respect by putting the tiny elderly's hand on his forehead and saying, "Mano po." which made the small elderly happy.
"Go back to Dear Mother and apologize. You had hurt her feelings when you did not care for her garden. She's taking care of us, so we should take care of her too." the elderly said.

What's Lurking in the Shadows

Page 15And so Munti went back to Dear Mother to apologize and volunteered to water her plants and even put fertilizers.Munti remembers their Nanay taking care of their garden this way.

What's Lurking in the Shadows

Page 16Dear Mother was happy and so given Munti a garland of flowers, wearing it around his neck.